Saturday, February 4, 2017

A little about my best friend

I have lots of best friends, really I do. All are so different and so special to me in such different ways, but my bestest friend, my role-model, and someone I know will ALWAYS be there for me is my Mama.

My Mama and I share a very special relationship. She is my best friend, my biggest encourager, my personal chef, my shoulder to cry to, my ear to vent to - she is the BEST! My Mama and I are very similar; the older I get, the more I become her, like really. We are the sentimental ones out of the family; we both have very tender hearts and it doesn't take anything for either of us to cry. We think just alike and our personalities are super similar, but our relationship goes much deeper than that.

Over the years my Mama and I had the typical "teenage-girl- mom drama." We fussed (because we are so much a like) and because she is my mama I typically take/took my anger/problems out on her (sorry, Mama!!), but over the past few years, she and I have gotten extremely close. I tell my Mama everything, seriously. I used to not, but as I have grown up, she is seriously become my best friend. Anything from boy trouble, school, friends, and so forth- I tell her, and no matter what it is, she listens with an open ear.

My Mama has seen me at my very best- she has been so proud of my accomplishments, but she has also seen me at my worst, I'm talking my darkest, worst days, and during those times she has encouraged me, loved me, and prayed for me- and for that I am forever grateful.

My Mama is the one that I know I can text or call anytime of the day (even 2 am) and she will answer and help me with whatever I need. She gives the best advice (even though I don't always listen,) and she gives me love like no other.

So who is the "Mama?" Well her name is Becki and she is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. I know I'm probably a tad bit biased, but really she is the best. She is the music director at our church, a high school chorus teacher, and a high school and college english teacher. She is daughter to  two of my biggest role models,  wife to my daddy, Mama to my sister and me, Bebe to her grandchildren, Mrs. Poston or Beckster to her students, and a best friend to me. She has great voice, she can play the piano & organ like no other- she is very talented. She never meets a stranger, she tries her hardest to make everyone happy, and she has a HUGE heart, and I am lucky enough to be her daughter.


Thank you for all that you do for me. I wouldn't be the person I am if it wasn't for you. Thank you for your love, your support, and all of your prayers. Thanks for always listening to me vent, and giving me advice when needed. Thank you understanding me like no other, and supporting me always. If one day, I am only half the mother and wife you are, I will be doing great! I don't tell you nearly enough, but I love and appreciate you so much!



**To be continued**

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